want to know more about SIVA SIX new album " DeathCult " ?
Check this interview we conducted with the band's Singer "Z"...
1°) You’re back with a brand new album. What’s the difference in terms of sound/global vision between those new tracks and the previous album ? Do you think it’s the same recipe as on the previous one ?
Z- After almost 15 years working with the same producer it was definitely and for various reasons time for a change, we are glad and lucky to work in our new album DeathCult with producer Psychon (Septic Flesh,Guitarist) he also did the mix and mastering, he work very hard Aswell for this album and his energy, skills and passion was vital for me, our sound got definitely better ,we evolve as we always do, in the previous album i talked about Apocalypse and Life now i talk about Death, the only recipe is the hard work, the music & aesthetic filter is me and at the end of the day i must love the outcome or it takes the highway...
2°) Besides music you have a very strong visual aspect and the lyrics are also very particular : it is some kind of a global artistic attitude isn’t it ?
Z- thats who we are, thats who i am , wearing make up is not part of an image transformation made for the stage, i used to do it since i got obsessed with the goth Clubs many years ago, my image goes way deeper, its a way of life for me, it means something so much more than the surface, lyrics have to mean something very special to me, has to come out of the heart ,has to be honest and serve the whole entity that our work and creation is and fully in trance with each albums concept
3°) How has the pandemic affected the band and how did you keep the balance between studio/live/work during those two difficult years ?
Z- its been almost 2 years since our last live show, that says it all, its been a year and half since this nightmare started but i am used to nightmares so i am calm and as always waiting, it does make my life harder in many ways but that's life and that's what upgrades you, when you are against the wall, we will prevail or we will kneel, freedom of choice...
4°) A few months ago you released the « Ghost dance » EP . Why this track ? do you think it’s the most representative of the album ? are there any other tracks that could also be released as singles ?
Z- it just felt right that this should be the first song we wanted everyone to hear from our new album, you know it took us 2 years to finish this album and all sides involved worked more or less 2.000 working hours....its a work we are proud of and i can tell you that there could be at least 5 more songs to be released as singles ! all tracks are Siva Six blood & soul
5°) what are your plans in the next future ? (new tracks/live / remixes/videos) ?
Z- there will be 4 more videos beside the one for Ghost Dance that's already out since April 2021, our agent is ready to start booking us gigs but that's totally beyond her control nowadays, there is nothing more that we want than doing gigs, we did a remix for DV8R ,we hardly do remixes for various reasons but this one we totally enjoyed ! i have ideas for 20-30 news songs but no idea when the current Apocalypse will end and what will be left at the end of it..if i will be alive, what the world would be like and if there will be another work from the gang of my life that Siva Six is...
Check this interview we conducted with the band's Singer "Z"...
1°) You’re back with a brand new album. What’s the difference in terms of sound/global vision between those new tracks and the previous album ? Do you think it’s the same recipe as on the previous one ?
Z- After almost 15 years working with the same producer it was definitely and for various reasons time for a change, we are glad and lucky to work in our new album DeathCult with producer Psychon (Septic Flesh,Guitarist) he also did the mix and mastering, he work very hard Aswell for this album and his energy, skills and passion was vital for me, our sound got definitely better ,we evolve as we always do, in the previous album i talked about Apocalypse and Life now i talk about Death, the only recipe is the hard work, the music & aesthetic filter is me and at the end of the day i must love the outcome or it takes the highway...
2°) Besides music you have a very strong visual aspect and the lyrics are also very particular : it is some kind of a global artistic attitude isn’t it ?
Z- thats who we are, thats who i am , wearing make up is not part of an image transformation made for the stage, i used to do it since i got obsessed with the goth Clubs many years ago, my image goes way deeper, its a way of life for me, it means something so much more than the surface, lyrics have to mean something very special to me, has to come out of the heart ,has to be honest and serve the whole entity that our work and creation is and fully in trance with each albums concept
3°) How has the pandemic affected the band and how did you keep the balance between studio/live/work during those two difficult years ?
Z- its been almost 2 years since our last live show, that says it all, its been a year and half since this nightmare started but i am used to nightmares so i am calm and as always waiting, it does make my life harder in many ways but that's life and that's what upgrades you, when you are against the wall, we will prevail or we will kneel, freedom of choice...
4°) A few months ago you released the « Ghost dance » EP . Why this track ? do you think it’s the most representative of the album ? are there any other tracks that could also be released as singles ?
Z- it just felt right that this should be the first song we wanted everyone to hear from our new album, you know it took us 2 years to finish this album and all sides involved worked more or less 2.000 working hours....its a work we are proud of and i can tell you that there could be at least 5 more songs to be released as singles ! all tracks are Siva Six blood & soul
5°) what are your plans in the next future ? (new tracks/live / remixes/videos) ?
Z- there will be 4 more videos beside the one for Ghost Dance that's already out since April 2021, our agent is ready to start booking us gigs but that's totally beyond her control nowadays, there is nothing more that we want than doing gigs, we did a remix for DV8R ,we hardly do remixes for various reasons but this one we totally enjoyed ! i have ideas for 20-30 news songs but no idea when the current Apocalypse will end and what will be left at the end of it..if i will be alive, what the world would be like and if there will be another work from the gang of my life that Siva Six is...